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Nov. 26 2018
Do you want to reach younger audiences and show them how amazing life is on the farm surrounded by dairy cows? I get jealous just saying that
Nov. 21 2018
This holiday season is going to be rough for a lot of farmers across the country. Reports of farms selling out are still rolling in daily, which means that too many families will be spending their first...
Personal blog
Nov. 7 2018
I’ve always been the person who wants to compare herself to others. I can’t help it
Nov. 6 2018
Unless you’re living under a rock, you know that today is Election Day
Oct. 24 2018
I understand that there is a time to be professional and a time to be relaxed
Oct. 17 2018
It’s not that I don’t have enough to do already. Yet for some reason, when I get asked to talk to a group of preschoolers about dairy, I always say yes!
Oct. 10 2018
If I’m being completely honest, I’ve never fully understood the allure of a cow show. I showed for 11 years in 4-H, but I was in it more for the 4-H than the cow show
Oct. 5 2018
The philosophy at Ovaltop Holsteins has always been to breed a top herd of registered Holsteins while improving each generation by pursuing exceptional type, outstanding production, and enhanced genetics
Peters Photos (1)
Sept. 26 2018
Being a young farmer has never been easy. We go through the same struggles as our parents when they started out
Sept. 21 2018
This is my last year as an ag communications and journalism student at Utah State University, and being an ag student has its perks and setbacks
Sept. 20 2018
There has been a lot of talk lately about the efficiencies of large-scale dairies and concern that the smaller farms can’t survive
Sept. 12 2018
Earlier this month, we lost seven newborn calves in less than two weeks. That’s more than we’ve lost in the last year, and it was heartbreaking
Aug. 29 2018
The last two weeks have been pretty emotional for me. The video “Dear Struggling Farmer” wasn’t easy to share
Aug. 27 2018
Remember when everyone used to tell you that having a farm blog was a priority — before social media was all the rage? Are farm websites and blogs worth the time to build today?
Aug. 15 2018
Farmers are certainly the last of a dying breed. I’ve watched them fight through snowstorms, hurricanes, wildfires, and floods. I’ve known farmers who have worked through migraines, pneumonia,...
Aug. 10 2018
I was driving to a farm visit, and any time spent in my car I am tuned into the local National Public Radio (NPR) station
Aug. 7 2018
I think we can all agree that we are beyond frustrated with the state of the dairy industry
Aug. 1 2018
It’s becoming increasingly obvious to me that what we’re doing right now in the dairy industry isn’t working. If it were, family farms wouldn’t be selling out at such an alarming...
Humor is everywhere
July 24 2018
We currently are the host to two male carpet gnomes who we have the pleasure of calling our children
July 23 2018
“Where are our consumers spending time on social media?” I get this question a lot from farmers and dairy industry communication professionals during my training sessions